Biofuels 2023
Euroscicon Ltd invites participants from all over the world to attend 14th Edition of International conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy 2023 ' during
March 23-24, 2023
Biofuels 2023 which includes prompt Keynote Presentations, Oral Talks, Young Research Forum, Technical Workshops, Poster Presentations and Exhibitions.
On this great occasion, Organizing Committee heartily invites participants from all over the globe to take part in this annual conference. Biofuels 2023 with the theme " Biofuels has a role to play against Covid-19" aims at sharing new ideas and new technologies amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Biofuels, Bioenergy, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry and Physics to share their recent innovations and applications in various fields and indulge in interactive discussions and technical sessions at the event. Biofuels and Bioenergy involve the tracks like Biomass, Biogas, Bioenergy, Bio refineries, Bioethanol, Biodiesel, Aviation biofuels, Algae biofuels and Bio economy. Biofuels and Bioenergy-2023 is a stage to accumulate visionaries through the examination talks and presentations and set forward numerous interesting techniques of creation and scale up of renewable Energy and making the congress a flawless stage to share capability.
The Conference will also have a space for companies and/or institutions to present their services, products, innovations and research results.
What’s New
Biofuels & Bioenergy-2023 is a platform to meet insightful leaders through the research talks and presentations and encourage many novel approaches of production and scale up of renewable energy. It adds a forum for all stakeholders in the bioenergy sector, original research, featuring review articles, research and development spotlights, news, commentaries, interviews with key opinion leaders and much more, with a prospect to building an international community of bioenergy communication.
Target Audience:
- Fuel Engineers
- Chemical Engineers
- Professors, Researchers, Students and Technical Staff from the field of Chemical Engineering
- Engineers and Delegates from Aviation and Automobile companies
- Directors/Co-Directors of Research based companies across Europe and US who are investing in Biofuels and Bioenergy
Track 1: Biomass
Biomass is an organic material that is used to produce fuel, used as an energy source in power stations for generating electricity. Materials that make up biomass fuels are forest debris, scrap lumber, certain crops, manure and waste residues. Biomass can be obtained by two ways-directly via combustion to produce heat, or indirectly after converting it to various forms of biofuel. Conversion of biomass to biofuel can be achieved by different methods which are broadly classified into: thermal, chemical, and biochemical methods. Industrial biomass can be cultivated from different types of plants including miscanthus, switchgrass, willow, poplar, bamboo, sorghum, sugarcane, corn, and a variety of tree species, ranging from eucalyptus to oil palm (palm oil).
Track 2: Biogas
Biogas is a mixture of different gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter under anaerobic condition. Biogas can be produced from different raw materials such as agricultural waste, plant waste, municipal waste, sewage and food waste. It is a renewable energy source which can be produced with less capital investment and in less time. Biogas can be produced by anaerobic digestion with anaerobic bacteria, which digest material inside a closed system, or fermentation of biodegradable materials. Biogas is composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small amounts of hydrogen sulphide (H2S), moisture and siloxanes. Biogas can be compressed, like natural gas is compressed to CNG, and used to power motor vehicles.
Track 3: Bioenergy
Bioenergy is renewable energy produced by living organisms from biological origin. Biomass is any organic matter which has deposited sunlight in the form of chemical energy. As a fuel it may comprise wood, straw, wood waste, sugarcane, manure, and many other by-products from different agricultural engineering processes. In its wider sense it includes biomass, the biological matter utilized as a biofuel, as well as the social, scientific, economic and technical fields related with utilizing biological sources for energy. This is a common misbelief, as bioenergy is the energy cultivated from the biomass, as the biomass is the fuel and the bioenergy is the energy stored in the fuel.
Track 4: Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy is defined as any energy resource’s that can be naturally renew or regenerated over a short time and which is directly derived from the sun (solar energy), indirectly from sun such as wind energy, hydropower energy, bioenergy or from other mechanisms of natural resources (geothermal energy, tidal energy). Renewable energy is generated from natural processes that are continuously recycled. This includes sunlight, heat, wind energy, tides, water, and various forms of biomass. This energy cannot be depleted and is constantly renewed.
Track 5: Biorefineries
Biorefining is the efficient processing of biomass into a wide range of marketable products and energy. By means of co-producing relatively (high) value chemicals (e.g. fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals, polymers) the production costs of secondary energy carriers potentially could become market competitors, especially when biorefining is integrated into the existing chemical, material and power industries. Industrial biorefineries have been identified as the novel route to the creation of a new domestic bio based industry. By producing multiple products; a biorefinery can take advantage of the differences in biomass components and intermediates and maximize the value derived from the biomass feedstock.
Track 6: Bioethanol
Bioethanol is a clean fuel used for combustion engines made from plant-based feedstocks. It produces considerably lower emissions on combustion and it only releases the same amount of carbon dioxide as plants bound while growing. Bioethanol is majorly produced from the sugar fermentation process, and rarely produced from the chemical reaction between ethylene and steam. The main source of sugar required to produce ethanol comes from fuel or energy crops. These fuel crops are grown specifically for energy use and include maize, corn and wheat crops, waste straw, willow, sawdust, reed canary grass, cord grasses, Jerusalem artichoke, Myscanthus and sorghum plants.
Track 7: Biodiesel
Biodiesel is a form of biofuel used as a substitute for diesel. It is safe, biodegradable, and produces less air pollutants than petroleum-based diesel. Biodiesel is meant to be used in standard diesel engines and is thus distinct from the vegetable and waste oils used to fuel converted diesel engines. Biodiesel can be used in pure form, or blended with petrodiesel in any proportions. Biodiesel blends can also be used as heating oil. It also can be obtained from Pongamia, field pennycress and jatropha and other crops such as mustard, jojoba, flax, sunflower, palm oil, coconut and hemp. Several economic studies have been conducted regarding the economic impact of biodiesel production.
Track 8: Aviation biofuels
Aviation biofuel is a biofuel used for aircraft. Some consider it to be the primary means by which the aviation industry can reduce its carbon footprint. After a multi-year technical review from aircraft makers, engine manufacturers and oil companies, biofuel was approved for commercial use in July 2011. Since then, some airlines have experimented using biofuels on commercial flights. The focus of the industry has now turned to second generation sustainable biofuels that do not compete with food supplies. “Drop-in" biofuels are biofuels that are completely interchangeable with conventional fuels. Deriving "drop-in" jet fuel from bio-based sources is approved via two routes.
Track 9: Advanced biofuels
Advanced biofuels or second generation biofuels are fuels that can be processed from numerous types of biomass called lignocellulosic biomass. First generation biofuels are processed from the sugars and vegetable oils formed in arable crops, which can be smoothly extracted applying conventional technology. In comparison, advanced biofuels are made from lignocellulose biomass or woody crops, agricultural residues or waste, which makes it tougher to extract the requisite fuel. Advanced biofuel technologies have been devised because first generation biofuels have few major limitations. First generation biofuel can be produced feasibly but restricted in most cases: there is a limit above which they cannot yield enough biofuel without forbidding food supplies and biodiversity.
Track 10: Algal Biofuels
The term "algae" refers to a great diversity of organisms—from microscopic cyanobacteria to giant bladder kelp. Most algae convert sunlight into energy in a similar manner as plants; however, the genetic diversity of the many kinds of algae gives researchers an incredible number of unique properties that can be exploited to develop promising algal biofuel technologies. The key to algae's potential as a renewable fuel source lies in the high productivities of algal biomass that can be grown in each area; some researchers say algae could be 100 times more productive than traditional bioenergy feedstocks. Achieving the potential for these high productivities in real-world systems is a key challenge to realizing the promise of sustainable and affordable algal biofuels.
Track 11: Nanotechnology in Biofuels
The daunting energy challenges in the 21st century are a result of over-reliance on limited fossil fuels coupled with ever-increasing energy demand. Among the solutions is the development of technologies and infrastructures to help in the smooth transition to alternative and renewable energy sources. Nanotechnology, amalgamation of chemistry and engineering, is viewed as the new candidate for clean energy applications. It involves the manipulation of nanoscale structures to integrate them into larger material components and systems. In comparison to bulk materials, nanomaterials have high surface areas and are expected to exhibit higher activities. As these technologies become more mature, efficient, and economical, they could eventually replace traditional fossil fuels.
Track 12: Food V/S Fuel Debate
Some propose that fuel only be made from non-edible vegetable oils such as Camelina, Jatropha or seashore mallow which can thrive on marginal agricultural land where many trees and crops will not grow, or would produce only low yields. Others argue that the problem is more fundamental. Farmers may switch from producing food crops to producing biofuel crops to make more money, even if the new crops are not edible. The law of supply and demand predicts that if fewer farmers are producing food the price of food will rise. It may take some time, as farmers can take some time to change which things they are growing, but increasing demand for first generation biofuels is likely to result in price increases for many kinds of food
Track 13: Bioeconomy
Bioeconomy is understanding mechanisms and methodologies at the genetic and molecular levels and applying this to creating or improving industrial processes. The Bioeconomy comprises those parts of the economy that use renewable biological resources from land and sea – such as crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms – to produce food, materials and energy. It is an essential alternative to the dangers and limitations of our current fossil-based economy and can be considered as the next wave in our economic development. Bio economy, bio based economy, biotechnology refers to all economic activity derived from scientific and research activity focused on biotechnology.
Track 14: Energy and Environment
Energy and environment are co-related in the technological and scientific aspects including energy conservation, and the interaction of energy forms and systems with the physical environment. The levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by 31% between 1800 and 2000, going from 280 parts per million to 367 parts per million. Various environmental policies have been implemented across the globe for reduction of GHG emissions for improvement of environment.
Track 15: Green Energy and Economy
Green energy mainly involves natural processes which will be controlled with very little pollution. Anaerobic digestion, geothermic power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, solar power, biomass power, periodic event power, wave power, and a few styles of atomic power belongs to the green energy Green energy customers either obligates the utility corporations to extend the quantity of green energy that they purchase from the or directly fund the green energy through a green power supplier. Green economy can be defined as an economy that aims at reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities, which aims for property development while not degrading the atmosphere in keeping with the United Nations setting Programme. It closely connected with ecological economic science, however contains a lot of politically applied focus. A green economy is thought of together that is low carbon, resource economical and socially comprehensive. It closely connected with ecological economic science, however contains a lot of politically applied focus. Greenhouse emission because of human action area unit progressively either inflicting global warming or creating global climate change worse.
Track 16: Advances in Renewable Chemicals
Renewable chemicals are used for increasing the use of renewable resources rather than fossil fuels. Renewable chemicals contain all the chemicals which are produced from renewable feedstock such as microorganisms, biomass (plant, animal, and marine), and agricultural raw materials. Renewable chemicals are utilized in food processing, housing, textiles, environment, transportation, hygiene, pharmaceutical, and other applications. There are diverse technologies available in chemical engineering which are used for making renewable chemicals The renewable chemicals market is expanding primarily the resources of renewable chemicals, and the consumer’s inclination towards using eco-friendly products. The high cost and certain factors related to the production of renewable chemicals are the factors that are hampering the development of this market. Presently Europe forms the largest market for renewable chemicals, but Asia-Pacific is driving the market growth, and is expected to override the renewable chemicals market by 2019.
Track 17: Entrepreneurs Investment Meet
Biofuels 2020 facilitates a unique platform for transforming potential ideas into great business. The present meeting conference create a global platform to connect global Entrepreneurs, Proposers and the Investors in the field of Biofuels, Biomass, Biogas, bioenergy and Renewable Energy and its allied sciences. This investment meet facilitates the most optimized and viable business for engaging people in to constructive discussions, evaluation and execution of promising business.
Tracks 18: Challenges in research on advanced biofuels and bioenergy
Biofuels market is one of the most rapid growing markets in the world bioeconomy. The Bioeconomy can be defined as the sustainable development and conversation of biomass and biofuels into food, industrial products and energy. Renewable biomass means any biological material as a product itself or to be used as feed to produce any bioproducts. Due to global warming, climate change, limitation and increasing cost conventional fossils fuels had turned this aspect as a key challenges for the scientific and economists. The aim of the congress is to draw attention towards the importance of Biofuels & Bioeconomy in the context of natural energy resources in the 21st century, providing opportunity to resolve many answers of the challenges together with environmental preservations.
Tracks 19: Production of Biofuels
Currently used liquids biofuels, which include ethanol produced from crops containing sugar and starch and biodiesel from oilseed, are referred to as first generation biofuels. These fuels only use a portion of the energy potentially available in the biomass. Various techniques are currently being developed to produce biofuels. However, it is uncertain when such technologies will enter production on a significant commercial from Biomass and Biogas from Biomass.
Tracks 20: Environmental impacts of Biofuels
One of the major reasons for showing interest towards biofuels is to minimize the greenhouse gas and carbonyl emissions and to mitigate the climate change caused by fossil fuels. The greenhouse gases may be emitted by change of cropland use because of increased biofuels production from one crop to another. In some cases more carbon is generated by converting a land that is used for growing biofuels feedstock to forest than the biofuels Production itself. Biofuels also have a vital impact on the biodiversity and the water resources.
Importance and Scope:
Growing energy crisis, climate variations and carbon dioxide discharge from fossil fuels makes it a high concern to look for low carbon energy resources. Biofuels have been progressively explored as a successful alternative source of fuel and serve a key target for the future energy market that can play a vital role in preserving energy security.
It is mainly considered as potentially feasible, low-carbon energy source. Biofuels & Bioenergy- 2020 is the event devised for the International professionals to accelerate the promulgation and application of research discoveries related to biofuels & bioenergy as replacement fuels. It is a scientific podium to meet counterpart key decision makers all around the Biotech Organizations, Academic Institutions, Industries, & Environment Related Institutes etc., and making the congress an ideal platform to participate and share the knowledge in the field of bioenergy and biofuels.
Biofuels & Bioenergy-2020 is a platform to meet insightful leaders through the research talks and presentations and encourage many novel approaches of production and scale up of renewable energy. It adds a forum for all stakeholders in the bioenergy sector, original research, featuring review articles, research and development spotlights, news, commentaries, interviews with key opinion leaders and much more, with a prospect to building an international community of bioenergy communication.
Market Analysis-
The recognition of biofuels has prevailed since the invention of the motor vehicle. With the discovery of immense petroleum deposits, gasoline and diesel was accessible reasonably, thereby confiding biofuels to the background. Nonetheless, the recent surge in oil prices, added with mounting worries related to global warming linked with carbon dioxide (CO2), emissions have culminated in the re-emergence of biofuels as feasible alternatives. Biofuel is manufactured using a wide range of resources. This resource has grown preferably in recent years, aiding to shape a dexterous industry that is steadily searching for new technologies and feedstock.
In fact, industry demand for reasonable, candid sources of fats and oils is bracing promising research on advanced feedstock such as Algae and Camelina. With more than a decade of commercial-scale production, the industry takes pride in its meticulous approach to improvement and strong target on sustainability.
Production has increased from around 25 million gallons in the early 2000s to about 1.7 billion gallons advanced biofuel in 2014. With projected feedstock availability, the industry has settled a goal of manufacturing about 10 percent of the diesel transportation market by 2023. The industry’s economic impact is hovered to thrive significantly with pursued production increases. The industry backs jobs in diverse sectors, from manufacturing to transportation, agriculture and service.
The biofuels industry is receiving much attention in recent years, as they help to minimize carbon emissions, qualify for carbon credits, reduce dependence over fossil fuels, and utilize feedstock, which is renewable in nature. The governments of at least 24 countries have issued biofuel blending mandates, development plans, policies, and regulations for promotion and use of biofuels.
Global biofuels-
Availability and Sustainability of Feedstocks at a Local and Global Level-
Currently most biofuels are created from Crop harvests that can be utilized for nourishment (e.g. corn, wheat, sugar stick, sugar beet, palm oil, assault, soy, and so on). Although biofuels offer various advantages to society, there has been a worldwide open deliberation as of late concerning the effects of biofuels (and bioenergy) on nourishment generation and costs, carbon stores (in timberlands), land utilize, and related issues. Wide differing qualities of 'non-sustenance' feedstocks are possibly accessible universally for biofuel production including vitality crops (e.g. Miscanthus, Jatropha, Short Rotation Copice), squanders (e.g. waste oils, nourishment handling squanders, and so on), rural deposits (straw, corn stover, and so forth), ranger service buildups and novel feedstocks, for example, green growth.
Growth in production and use of biofuels worldwide
The Global Renewable Fuels Alliance GRFA declared an intuitive guide demonstrating the present command and arranged focuses for biofuel production in nations over the globe. The GRFA estimates that worldwide fuel ethanol production will surpass 90 billion liters in 2014. As per the US Energy Information Administration, the US created more than 13.3 billion gallons of ethanol in 2013 (marginally up on the 2012 figure). Different projections for worldwide development of biofuels production to 2020 have been made by global associations, free specialists and biofuels affiliations. The PEW Trusts Report Who's triumphant the perfect vitality race? 2012 demonstrates that the US is at present the world pioneer in biofuel ventures with $1.5bn put resources into 2012. In any case, comprehensively, interest in biofuels fell 47% somewhere around 2011 and 2012.
World Fuel Ethanol Production in 2016
Total Global production of Biofuels is 25676 Million of Gallons. United States 14806, Brazil 7093, European Union 1387, China 813, Canada 436, Thailand 334, Argentina 211, India 401, Rest of World 391. Brazil and the USA represent the dominant part of worldwide bioethanol Production. Global exchange ethanol is relied upon to become quickly throughout the following decade, predominantly with fares from Brazil to the US and EU. Be that as it may, development in global exchange biodiesel is foreseen not to become essentially because of specialized issues, issues encompassing exchange palm oil, arrangements, for example, hostile to dumping obligations, and expanded national generation of biodiesel by expending nations.
This demonstrates "somewhere around 2010 and 2011 biofuel utilization expanded by 3%, which deciphers into 13.6 million tons of oil proportionate (toe) utilized as a part of 2011 contrasted with 13.2 million tons in 2010. The European Union's consideration has moved to setting up maintainability frameworks to check that the biofuel utilized as a part of the different nations conforms to the Renewable Energy Directive's manageability criteria. "In 2010, The European Biodiesel Board assessed that European Union biodiesel Production total 9.6 million metric tons. The EBB evaluates the EU oversees over portion of the world's biodiesel yield. In 2011, generation diminished by 10% to 8.6 million metric tons. European Biodiesel Production 2011
Strategies for developing the biofuels market:
The current stage of development of biofuels is influenced by governments who have recognized the triple challenges of climate change, energy security and rural development. The significance of this phase, compared to the rapid phase of development of ethanol in Brazil in the 1970s, is that the issues are now global. The demand for biofuels is not just a desire of policy makers, but is reflected in surveys of the public – the consumer. Of the Europeans surveyed, 47% say they would be prepared to pay more for a vehicle that ran on biofuels, and 41% would be prepared to pay a little more for biofuels. BP’s strategy has involved the formation of a dedicated business unit to pursue opportunities across the value chain from accessing feedstock, through conversion to trading and marketing.
As the only alternative for fossil fuels, biofuels continue to grow in importance, despite a significant slowdown in investment. International trade remains active, with dynamic growth from the major exporting countries. Current markets are therefore expected to maintain their current levels whilst waiting for the emergence of new biofuel technologies from 2015 onwards. The USA has been the world’s leading producer and consumer of biofuels since 2007 followed by South America and Europe, with slightly lower consumption levels, but with a strong exertion of biodiesel in Europe and ethanol in Brazil. After a notable slowdown in growth between 2008 & 2009, consumption of biofuels worldwide returned to growth in although the European Union shows relatively stable consumption of biodiesel, South America has seen its consumption double, whilst that of the USA has fallen by nearly 50%. Ethanol consumption is growing steadily at the rate of 20% in Europe and North America, whilst the situation remains stable or possibly declines slightly in South America.
Major Biofuel Associations around the Globe:
- Renewable Fuels Association
- Biofuels Association of Australia
- Russian Biofuels Association
- European Biodiesel Board
- European Biomass Industry Association
- Aebiom - European Biomass Association
Learn More
Chemical Engineering Universities in Europe
University of Cambridge| Biorefineries conferences| University of Oxford| Biofuels conferences| Imperial College London| Biomass conferences| ETH Zurich – Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich| Biodiesel conferences| Wageningen University & Research| Bioproducts conferences| University of Edinburgh| Biogas conferences| Karolinska Institute| Renewable energy conferences| King’s College London| Bioethanol conferences| École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne| Bioenergy conferences| Heidelberg University| Butanol conferences| Uppsala University| Petroleum conferences| LMU Munich| Technical University of Munich| Applied Biochemistry conferences| Ghent University| Lund University |Biofuels conferences | University of Glasgow| Humboldt University of Berlin| Renewableenergy conferences|University of Manchester| Pierre and Marie Curie University| Biogas conferences| University of Dundee| Utrecht University| University of Göttingen| Petroleum conferences| University of Geneva| University of Helsinki| Biorefineries conferences| University of Tübingen| Stockholm University| University of Lausanne| Biomass conferences| University of Zurich| University of Freiburg| Biofuels conferences| University of St Andrews| Paris Sciences et Lettres – PSL Research University Paris| Butanol conferences| University of Bristol| Trinity College Dublin| University of Groningen| Biofuels conferences 2019 Europe| University of Aberdeen| University of Bonn| University of Exeter| Bioenergy conferences| Aarhus University| Free University of Berlin| Biofuels conferences 2019 Asia| University of East Anglia| University of Leeds| University of Basel| Biofuels conferences 2019 USA| Newcastle University| University of Vienna|
Chemical Engineering Universities in USA
Harvard University| Biofuels conferences 2019 USA| Stanford University| Biofuels conferences 2019 Asia| Massachusetts Institute of Technology| Bioenergy conferences| Johns Hopkins University| Biofuels conferences 2019 Europe| Princeton University| Petroleum conferences| California Institute of Technology| Butanol conferences| Yale University| Bioproducts conferences| University of Chicago| Biofuels conferences 2019 Asia| University of California, San Diego| Butanol conferences| Cornell University| Biomass conferences| Columbia University| Biorefineries conferences| Duke University| Renewable energy conferences| University of Pennsylvania| Biofuels conferences| University of California, Berkeley| University of California, Los Angeles| Renewable energy conferences| University of Michigan| Biodiesel conferences| University of California, Davis| Washington University in St Louis| Bioethanol conferences| University of Wisconsin-Madison| Petroleum conferences| Northwestern University| Bioproducts conferences| Emory University| Bioenergy conferences|University of Minnesota| University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill| Biorefineries conferences| University of Texas at Austin| Biomass conferences| University of California, Santa Barbara| Bioethanol conferences| University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign| Renewable energy conferences| University of Colorado Boulder| Biofuels conferences 2019 USA| Pennsylvania State University| Michigan State University| Biofuels conferences 2019 Asia| Vanderbilt University| University of Maryland, College Park| University of California, Riverside| Arizona State University| Biofuels conferences 2019 Europe| Brown University|
Chemical Engineering Universities in Asia
The University of Tokyo|National | Biofuels conferences 2019 Asia| University of Singapore (NUS)| Biofuels conferences 2019 Europe| Kyoto University| Petroleum conferences| University of Hong Kong (HKU)| | Bioenergy conferences| Peking University| | Biofuels conferences 2019 USA| Seoul National University (SNU)| Renewable energy conferences| National Taiwan University (NTU)| Osaka University| Biomass conferences| Tsinghua University| Petroleum conferences| The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)| Fudan University| Bioproducts conferences| The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)| Biodiesel conferences| Taipei Medical University|Mahidol University| Petroleum conferences| KAIST–Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology| Biorefineries conferences| Yonsei University| Biodiesel conferences| Shanghai Jiao Tong University| Petroleum conferences| Nanyang Technological University (NTU)| Biomass conferences| Chulalongkorn University| Tohoku University| Tokyo Medical and Dental University| Kyushu University| Nagoya University| Biofuels conferences| Hokkaido University| Sungkyunkwan University| Biorefineries conferences| University of Science and Technology of China| Biorefineries conferences| Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)| Korea University| Universiti Malaya (UM)| Biorefineries conferences| Zhejiang University| Biomass conferences| Keio University| Biofuels conferences| Indian Institute of Science| Biodiesel conferences| Tokyo Institute of Technology| Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)| Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)| Beijing University of Chinese Medicine| Biorefineries conferences| National Tsing Hua University| Biorefineries conferences| Nanjing University| Kyung Hee University| Biomass conferences| National Yang Ming University| Renewable energy conferences| University of Indonesia| | Biofuels conferences 2019 USA| University of the Philippines| Petroleum conferences| University of Tsukuba| Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)| Hanyang University| Bioenergy conferences| Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB)| Biofuels conferences| National Cheng Kung University| Biofuels conferences 2019 Europe| Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)| Biodiesel conferences| Beijing Institute of Technology| Biofuels conferences 2019 Asia| University of Delhi|
Biofuels and Bioenergy-Related Conferences
National Advanced Biofuels Conference and Expo ,June 11-13,2018,Nebraska, US| International Conference on Biomass, June 17-20,2018, Bologna, Italy|The 2nd International conference on Anaerobic Digestion Technology: Sustainable Alternative Bioenergy fir a Stable Le, June 4-7,2018,Chiang Mai, Thailand| 11th World Bioenergy Congress and Expo, July 2-4, 2018, Berlin, Germany| 7th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation ,July 2-5, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic| International Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy, July 16-17, 2018, Madrid, Spain| 2nd International Conference on Renewable and Energy and Resources, july 25-26|2018, Sarawak, Malaysia| 12th Global Summit & Expo on Biomass & Bioenergy: Shaping Biomass Technology for the Future, September 4-5, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland| 13th World Congress on Biofuels and Bioenergy: Energy Solutions from Nature, September 4-6, 2018, Zurich, Switzerland| Biofuels International Conference & Expo, October 10-11, 2018, Berlin, Germany| | 7th International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, October 15-18, 2018, Venice, Italy| 13th International Congress on Biofuels and Bioenergy, October 18-20, 2018, Ontario, Canada| 4th Iberoamerican Congress on Biorefineries, October 24-26, 2018, Jaen, Spain,| 5th Latin American Congress on Biorefineries from Laboratory to Industrial Practice, January 7-9, 2019, Concepcion, Chile|
Biofuels and Bioenergy-Societies and Associations
The European Biomass Association| European Biomass Industry Association| European Algae Biomass Association| European Biogas Association| Renewable Fuels Association| AEBIOM European Bioenergy Association| World Bioenergy Association| The Bioenergy Association of Finland| European Biodiesel Board| European Waste-to-Advanced Biofuels Association| Renewable Energy Associations| European Renewable Ethanol| European Pellet Council| International Council on Clean Transportation| The Bioenergy Association of Finland
American Biofuels Council (ABC)| American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE)| American Ecological Engineering Society| American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers| Association of Energy Engineers (AEE)| Biomass Energy Research Association (BERA)| Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC)| The Biomass Thermal Energy Council (BTEC)| Canadian Renewable Fuels Association (CRFA)| Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Information Center (EERE)| Great Lakes Regional Biomass Energy Program| Institute of Biological Engineering| The International Biochar Initiative (IBI)| National Biodiesel Board| New York State Biomass Energy Alliance| Pellet Fuels Institute (PFI)| Renewable Fuels Association (RFA)| Vermont Biofuels Association
BioEnergy Society of Singapore| Asian Biomass Association| BioEnergy Council of India| IBSCE International Bioenergy| Bioenergy Association of New Zealand| Asia-Pacific Biomass Energy Technology| Bio Energy Association| World Biogas Association| Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)| Asia Wind Energy Association| International Solar Energy Society| Asia Clean Energy Forum| AsiaSolar PV Innovsation & Cooperation Forum| Bioenergy Crop Research Institute| National Institute of Crop Science| Central Leather Research Institute (CSIR)| Bio Energy Association| Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF)| South Asia Biosafety Program (SABP)| International Solar Energy Society| Asia Clean Energy Forum| AsiaSolar PV Innovation & Cooperation Forum
Biofuels and Bioenergy-Journals
Biofuel Research Journal (BRJ)| Journal of Petroleum & Environmental Biotechnology| Archives in Chemical Research| Trends in Green Chemistry| Journal of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry| Journal of Fundamentals of Renewable Energy and Applications| Journal of Bioprocessing and Biotechniques| International Journal of Waste Resources| Journal of Petroleum and Environmental Biotechnology| Fuel| Energy & Fuels| Journal of the Energy Institute| Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy| China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology| Journal of the Japan Petroleum Institute| Energy and Environmental Sciences| Environmental Research Letters| Environmental and Climate Technologies| Biotechnology for Biofuels| Renewable Energy| Solar Energy
Biofuels and Bioenergy-Companies in Europe
BioDiesel Technologies GmbH | Ageratec Biodiesel Company | Petrotec AG | Ceimici Novel BV | Green Fuels Ltd. | Incbio | CT Systems | RecOil Project | Cater Oils Ltd | MÜNZER Bioindustrie GmbH | GreenFuels Bioingenieria SL | BHR Biofuels Ltd | GlobeCore GmbH | Scandinavian Biogas Fuels AB | PDM Group | JS Power Limited | Informa Ltd | Abengoa Bioenergy | Onboard Energy | Seva Energie AG | ERGIL GROUP | BIOENERGY 2020+ GmbH | Algenol Biofuels | Icon Scientific | Andel Ltd | AFRISO-EURO-INDEX GmbH | Bioenergy Crops Ltd. | eralytics GmbH | Novozymes | Amec Foster Wheeler | Lux Research | VTU Holding GmbH | ANDRITZ AG | Neste | ELKOPLAST CZ, s.r.o. | PROjEN PLC | Nehlsen International | Akzo Nobel Base Chemicals (ANBC) | MBP Trading SA | Aumkiipure | Biomass and Bioenergy Consulting | Clarke Energy | Axion Group - Axion Consulting | AirProtekt Limited | AVA GmbH u. Co. | GlobeCore GmbH | Koprulu Machine Co. | HUSS Technologies GmbH | PowerCell Sweden AB | MionTec GmbH | Agri | New Energy Systems | European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA) | Pieralisi Group | The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) | The North East of England Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) | ENVITEAM s.r.o. | Ingenia Consultants & Engineers BV | ZUWA-Zumpe GmbH | Tessari Energia S.p.A. | PowerCell Sweden AB | REG Power Management | MionTec GmbH | Agri | New Energy Systems | European Biomass Industry Association (EUBIA) | Pieralisi Group | The European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) | The North East of England Process Industry Cluster (NEPIC) | ENVITEAM s.r.o. | Ingenia Consultants & Engineers BV
Biofuels and Bioenergy-Companies in USA
3Degrees | 5 boro biofuel | A2BE Carbon Capture LLC | AE Biofuels Inc formerly | Marwich II Ltd | AHL-TECH| AXI LLC | Abundant Biofuels | Acciona SA | Acorn Technology Corporation | Agni UK Inc | AgriFuel Company | Agribiofuels LLC | Agrivida | Algenol Biofuels | Algodyne Ethanol Energy Inc | Allopartis Biotechnologies Inc | Allylix | Alternative Energy Consultants | Alternative Energy Technology Inc formerly | The Alternative Energy Technology Center Inc |Alternative Liquid Fuels (ALF) | Alterra Bioenergy LLC | Colorado Centre for Biorefining and Biofuels C2B2 | Conergy AG | Continental Biofuels Corporation | Coolidge Petrosun Optimum Biodiesel Plant | Coulee Region Bio Fuels LLC | CropEnergies | D1 Oils Plc | Dieselgreen Fuels | Propel Biofuels | Psm Nature Power Service Management Formerly Umweltkontor Renewable Energy AG | Pure Biofuels Corporation formerly Metasun Enterprises Inc | PureVision Technology Inc | Range Fuels Inc formerly Kergy Inc | Raven Biofuels International Corporation | Renewable Power and Light | Rive Technology Inc | Riverland Biofuels LLC formerly Central Illinois Energy Cooperative Inc | Rusni Biofuels | SG Biofuels
Biofuels and Bioenergy-Companies in Asia
Bankchak Petroleum | GlycosBio | Green Biologics | LanzaTech | Novozymes | Shengquan Group and Praj | PTT | Sinopec | TMO Renewables | Vinythai | Wilmar | Special recognition: Boeing | JK BioEnergy | Nishant Bioenergy P Ltd | Hefei Debo Bioenergy Science & Technology Co.,Ltd | ANDRITZ MeWa GmbH | PRODESA Medioambiente | Capistrano Biodiesel System | Biomass Asia Conference 2013 | The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) | Kirloskar Integrated Technologies Limited | LAMBION Energy Solutions GmbH | Advanced Biofuel Center | Colsen International b.v. | Biodiesel Business Academy | Acta Group | Pöyry Energy | International Hydropower Association (IHA) | Zhengzhou Zhengyang Machinery | Respose Waste Management & Research Pvt. Ltd, | The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) | AFM-Forest Ltd | MAFA i Ängelholm AB | Vitone Eco S.r.l. | Lindner-Recyclingtech GmbH | 3E | Novozymes |SgurrEnergy Ltd. | Viessmann Werke GmbH & Co. KG / The Viessmann Group | Donasonic | EnviTec Biogas AG |Allance Pellet Machinery | CST Industries Inc | Ruixin Environmental Specialty Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd. (RESEM) | Genap B.V. | EEC Engineering JSC.